Vineyard Gerharz-Hochthurn

great wines for very fair prices

The vineyard Gerharz-Hochthurn produces a wide range of excellent wines for a very good value. The region of Gau-Algesheim is also called the tuscany of Rheinhessen, for its rolling hills. It is one of the warmest and driest wine regions in Germany. The different micro-climates and soils provide the perfect ripening conditions for many different grape varieties: from refreshening Rieslings, to elegant pinot gris and powerful pinot noirs.

All wines from Gerharz-Hochthurn are grown on their own vineyard. The vines receive the full attention from the entire year round, ensuring healthy, ripe and high quality grapes. In the cellar, a lot of attention is given to careful and gentle development and ripening of the wines. A large number of wines from this vineyard receive gold medals at the national wine competition, profing the very high quality of Gerharz-Hochthurn wines.

The vineyard of Gerharz-Hochthurn is located in Gau Algesheim, in the centre of Germany, directly at the Rhine:

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